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Lecture 1: Power Distribution Systems Overview(配网概述)

Lecture 2: Load Allocation across a Feeder(配网馈线的负荷分布和计算指标)

Lecture 3: Approximate Feeder Analysis(电压降和网损分析)

Lecture 4: Series Impedance of Distribution Lines(三相线路计算)

Lecture 5: Shunt Admittance of Distribution Lines(配电线路容抗效应)

Lecture 6: Distribution Line Models(配电线路模型)

Lecture 7: Load Models(负荷模型:ZIP模型,时间序列模型,动态建模)

Lecture 8: Voltage Regulation(电压调节器)

Lecture 9: Three-Phase Transformer Models(三相变压器模型)

Lecture 10: Distribution Feeder Analysis(配电馈线潮流计算)

Lecture 11: DistFlow and LinDistFlow(线性潮流模型,二阶锥潮流,三相线性潮流)

Lecture 12: Modeling DERs(DERs建模,包括风光储,热控负荷,电压调节器)

Lecture 13: Distribution Grid Optimization?under Uncertainty(不确定性优化:鲁棒优化。机会约束优化,场景优化,多参数规划,)

Lecture 14: Mixed-Integer Optimization Models for Distribution Grids(配网中的混合整数规划问题及技巧)

Lecture 15: Center-Tapped Transformers and Secondaries(中心抽头变压器和次级变压器)


Lecture 0: Mathematical Background(数学基础:范数,矩阵,二次函数,海塞矩阵和雅克比矩阵,特征值分解,舒尔算子,泰勒公式)

Lecture 1: Overview and Generation Units(电力系统经典问题及典型发电机组)

Lecture 2: Convex Sets and Convex Functions(凸集和凸函数,与电力系统经济调度问题的联系等)

Lecture 3: Convex Optimization Problems(凸优化问题)

Lecture 4: Lagrangian Duality(拉格朗日对偶,KKT条件)

Lecture 5: Economic Dispatch(经济调度,分段线性和多种优化形式对比)

Lecture 6: Unit Commitment(机组组合,单阶段,多阶段,动态规划)

Lecture 7: Power Flow Problem(潮流问题,潮流方程到潮流模型)

Lecture 8: Network-constrained Economic Dispatch(网络约束经济调度,从调度问题到发电机组规划问题)

Lecture 9: Secure Power System Operation(安全约束下的调度,比如N-1约束)

Lecture 10: Power System State Estimation(电力系统状态评估,基本方法到SCADA和PMU测量区别,可观测性分析)

Lecture 11: Control of Power Generation(发电控制,从【秒级调速器/下垂控制】到【分钟级AGC】到【10分钟级ED】三级控制)

Lecture 12: Gradient and Newton Methods(梯度法和牛顿法)


DTU课程DTU Summer School 2022 - Advanced Optimization, Learning, and Game‐Theoretic Models in Energy Systems

Jalal KazempourIntroduction
Munther DahlehA Marketplace for Data? ?–? ?Learning Linear Systems
Dolores Romero MoralesThe Opportunities and Challenges of Mathematical Optimization for Data Science
Johanna MathieuData‐Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization? ?–? ?Codes
Andrea SimonettoData‐Driven Optimization in Power Systems? ?–? ?Hands-on Exercises
Saverio BolognaniData‐Driven Control in Power Distribution Grids
Pierre PinsonStatistical and Machine Learning for Forecasting? ?–? ?Part 2? ?–? ?Part 3
Spyros ChatzivasileiadisData‐Driven Methods for Power System Security Assessment? ?–? ?Exercises? ?–? ?Codes? ?–? ?Database
Jalal KazempourDistributed Optimization? ?–? ?Part 2? ?–? ?Part 3? ?–? ?Part 4? ?–? ?Exercises
Michal AdamaszekMosek





